
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hey Mom! Look What I Can Do!

Lately Bella has just felt like showing off :-) She is just so much fun right now and loves trying new things. She is getting so much stronger too! The way she looks at me when she does things, I swear I hear her saying "Mom, look at what I am doing!" I just love watching her try/learn new things!
I can ride on Dad's shoulders!!
And of course try to eat his hair!

I can drink out of a water bottle!

Well, she is working on it! She LOVES water bottles! She gets so excited when she sees one. I think she thinks it is mom's "bottle." (She also may be trying to just eat it but that's ok!)



I can sleep without being swaddled and without my sleep positioner!
Here is Bella's last night in the swaddle and sleep positioner. She really didn't need the swaddle at all anymore and she is liking sleeping on her side now so we moved the sleep positioner out too. (How cute is she with her teddy bear from Grandpa Julia! She loves it!!)

Big girl in her sleep sack with her arms free! Holding her pacifier. Her new favorite thing is to take the pacifier out of her mouth look at it, look at me, and put it back in her mouth.

I can ~almost~ sit up!
She loves sitting in the boppy and playing with toys. I can't believe how big she is getting!

Could there be a sweeter face?!

And of course, trying to eat her toys!

She loves her little steering wheel from Great Grandma and Grandpa Julia

I can play with the dog!

I can just look plain old adorable!

So pretty in pink!

I seriously can't get enough of those eyelashes! I am biased but I am convinced she is the most beautiful baby that ever existed!

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