There seems to be a trend here. All of our recent posts have been about our fun weekend family meals out. This weekend we just grabbed a quick lunch but of course I had to take some pictures of Bella. I promise, I will have more posts soon where Bella isn't in a high chair. Bella is becoming quite the little independent lady. She has quickly become so good at feeding herself. I have to be careful because if I give her a lot of puffs she will eat them all and I am pretty sure she would never stop eating them if I didn't regulate them. We also finally found a sippy cup she likes and now she LOVES her sippy cup. She still has a hard time holding it for herself to drink, she can get it to her mouth but I think it's too heavy for her and she doesn't like to tilt her head back to get the liquid so its usually a lot of playing with her sippy cup or I feed her her sippy but it's quite the improvement from never using a sippy cup. The funny thing is, she prefers an open cup, she loves drinking from a big girl cup. Because, once again, she is little miss independent! She is so sassy and so cute! More updates to come but here are some cute pictures from last weekend's fun family meal!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Little Miss Independent
Saturday, September 18, 2010
A Little Saturday Brunch
Today we went to brunch together and just enjoyed a nice Saturday with no plans, it was so nice! Bella is so fun to take to restaurants now, she sits in her highchair and plays and loves to feed herself puffs and her crackers. Today she even made a dive for my food! She is just becoming such a big girl and she just looked so adorable I had to take about a million pictures!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Weekends are the Best!
We have had some fun weekends lately. A couple weekends ago we went shopping at the Biltmore and went to lunch. Bella loves going to restaurants now and loves being a big girl sitting in her high chair. She is getting very interested in feeding herself and its so cute (and messy!).
This weekend we went up north to Munds Park, near Flagstaff and had a fun weekend at a cabin in beautiful weather and had a great time with friends! This was Bella's first trip! I couldn't believe it but we haven't gone overnight anywhere with Bella yet. It was good practice since we will be taking a bigger trip in a few months, including a flight, yikes! We went with our friends the Hopkins and the Mottes and we just love them! Bella had a fun time staying up all day Friday and refusing to nap, she was so cute and babbly. We had been banking on her napping on our way up and she had other plans. Unfortunately, the lack of napping on Friday led to a grumpy girl on Saturday. She has also had a stuffy nose lately and that piled on to and upset tummy and wanting to nap/eat constantly made for an interesting Saturday. The last time we went up to this cabin with Ashley and Jeff was before Bella and I think I read the whole 3rd book in the Twilight series, not so much this time.... Haha. Oh how things change when you have a child. At least she still gave us good sleep at night, love that she still slept great even though it wasn't in her crib! We still had so much fun with sweet Bella and got a few cute pictures of her. Bella had some early bedtimes so it was so fun to just relax, eat dinner, have some wine, and play Settlers of Catan with good friends! What more could you ask for than friends like Ashley, Jeff, Steph and Stephen!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Isabella Grace is 7 Months Old!
Isabella Grace: 7 Months Old
Our sweet Isabella Grace is 7 months old. She is the definition of perfection. I just love her personality so much in so many ways she is a total sweet little girl that has a soft voice and is super dainty and then in other ways she is completely silly and goofy and a total ham. I just love that she has both sides because they are each so wonderful in their own way. We love her so much and can't believe she is moving so fast to being 1, wasn't she just born??!? We have so enjoyed every second of these fast moving 7 months and can't wait for all the fun ahead.
- Bella has eaten: Apple, Banana, Sweet Potato, Carrot, Green Beans, Peas, Butternut Squash, Mango, Peach, Pear, Snow Cone (oops, how did that get in there....yes she has tasted mom's snow cone and yes, she loved that sugary treat!) and probably more that I am forgetting. She also just tried puffs and loves them! Look out cheerios, here we come!
- At about 6.5 months she started sitting up really well and totally indepently, she loves to sit and play and it is just the cutest thing! She also loves to sit up on our bed and then tip back and fall into the covers, she thinks it's so funny to "go boom!" into the covers!
- Is a total rolling machine, she is all over the place, all over the room, must be strapped into her bouncy or yes, she will even try to roll over in her bouncy, crazy girl! And now she is obsessed with rolling over on her changing pad, scary! At least she rolls into the side by the wall but she gets so frustrated when you make her lay on her back so you can finish changing her, oh boy, her will is coming out!
- And on the note of her will coming out, she has started to get frustrated if you take away something she really wanted to play with. For example, when trying to change her and bribe her to lay flat, I will let her play with her clean diaper until I am ready for it. She, of course, chews on it. Well, when I finally need to put it on her booty she will get very frustrated that I have taken her "toy" away, so I then bribe her with another diaper so I can get her in one. Oh boy, this is going to get interesting!
- She babbles constantly, she frequently says "mama" or dada" or "baba" and now is working on her "p" sound. I know she doesn't know what she is saying but we still love it! She also will sometimes babble in this sweet little quiet almost whisper. It is my new favorite thing and there is not a good way to describe it so I will just have to catch it on video and post it, stay tuned!
- She currently weighs, drum roll please....... ~about~ 13.5lbs (she was 13 4.5 about a week ago)! Still rockin the 2% haha! I love our little peanut! She is so tiny but she is so cute and has her own mini rolls. I realized I forgot to update her 6 month stats (they were 12lbs 9.5oz (2%) and she was 25'' (30%), stretching out in length a bit!
- She is still working on her teeth. We have been having some major teething this week including her first fever and first cold. I am praying we get some teeth out of this because it has been a rough week for my poor Bella!
- She has been having some Amazing nights of sleep! (Until teething of course) She has been frequently giving us between 11-12hr stretches of sleep, woohoo! But I won't brag too much, I don't want to jinx it!
- No crawling yet but she doesn't let that slow her down, she gets to anything she wants by either rolling or her other favorite, on her belly she just uses her arms to rotate her all around. She just spins in circles to play with all of her toys, she is so strong! You can see how badly she wants to crawl, but it may take some time to figure out the mechanics of it.
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