Bella's gorgeous curtains! I'm seriously in love with them!
**Disclaimer: I cannot figure out how to rearrange my pictures right now so this is a sloppy blog post but I am over fighting the computer right now, please forgive my laziness! :-) **
Yesterday some amazing friends threw me a baby shower and it could not have been more spectacular! Just to start off, the creativity of these women blows my mind every time right down to the individual apple pies everything was amazing! (There is extra apple pie in my fridge from the shower and I am having a hard time pacing myself on eating it, there was a 4am moment when I strongly contemplated going for a little snack) It was so nice to see so many wonderful women who have blessed my life in different ways and get to celebrate little Bella with them! It is a day that I will never forget and I have included some pictures of it below. Also, our nursery curtains made their debut at the shower thanks to the amazing Shelagh (who also hosted the shower at her beautiful home). She just whipped these curtains together in the last couple of weeks and they are amazing, they are not just your run of the mill curtains that you could find anywhere and how she made them so quickly I will never know! They will make Bella's nursery extra special....I will have to post some new nursery pics once I get the room a bit more organized! Also, I am now 32 weeks, I can't believe things are going so quickly and I am sooooo ready for her to be here (maybe she will hear that and grace us with her presence a few days before her due date....I can hope can't I :-) Oh yeah, and I'm 25 today, weird, that number used to sound SO big to me and suddenly it's here! Now I'm off to enjoy the beautiful rainy AZ weather with Rowdy on my last birthday with just me and him!