
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Showered with **LOVE**

We just had a yummy dinner and Matt and I decided to belly bump (his is quite a bit smaller...sad)

We're pretty excited to meet Bella!

32 weeks preggo

All my wonderful family!

Some of my favorite ladies in the world! Love them!

Super cute diaper cake!

Adorable letters for the nursery!

So wonderful to have such amazing friends to journey through all of life's milestones with! Bella is going to have some spectacular Aunties!

Bella's gorgeous curtains! I'm seriously in love with them!
**Disclaimer: I cannot figure out how to rearrange my pictures right now so this is a sloppy blog post but I am over fighting the computer right now, please forgive my laziness! :-) **
Yesterday some amazing friends threw me a baby shower and it could not have been more spectacular! Just to start off, the creativity of these women blows my mind every time right down to the individual apple pies everything was amazing! (There is extra apple pie in my fridge from the shower and I am having a hard time pacing myself on eating it, there was a 4am moment when I strongly contemplated going for a little snack) It was so nice to see so many wonderful women who have blessed my life in different ways and get to celebrate little Bella with them! It is a day that I will never forget and I have included some pictures of it below. Also, our nursery curtains made their debut at the shower thanks to the amazing Shelagh (who also hosted the shower at her beautiful home). She just whipped these curtains together in the last couple of weeks and they are amazing, they are not just your run of the mill curtains that you could find anywhere and how she made them so quickly I will never know! They will make Bella's nursery extra special....I will have to post some new nursery pics once I get the room a bit more organized! Also, I am now 32 weeks, I can't believe things are going so quickly and I am sooooo ready for her to be here (maybe she will hear that and grace us with her presence a few days before her due date....I can hope can't I :-) Oh yeah, and I'm 25 today, weird, that number used to sound SO big to me and suddenly it's here! Now I'm off to enjoy the beautiful rainy AZ weather with Rowdy on my last birthday with just me and him!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Our pastor Matt had a great message today and really reminded me to be thankful for the tiniest things. We had some fun with our great friends Jared and Marcie and Derrick and Jenny (both of whom are also expecting) when we watched Marcie's copy of "In the Womb" and we watched the process of how a baby grows inside the womb from it's tiniest state to the moment of birth....which the guys were a little unprepared for to see up close and personal. We saw when it was just a tiny embryo and started to get eyes and had its little arm and leg buds and of course, Rowdy's favorite, the tail :-) Thankfully babies lose their tail somewhere around 7 weeks (I think/hope) but they are just the tiniest little miracles. We got to see our sweet miracle not once but twice this week in 3D and it is just the most amazing thing. It makes me all the more anxious to have Bella here and see her up close and study all her tiny little features that I know will be beautiful.

I'm in love with her tiny face

She has her leg crossed over her near, sometimes your foot is just your best friend

Smiling away

The umbilical cord kept getting in the way of her face but it's still pretty darn cute

Poking herself in the eye with her foot

Sunday, November 1, 2009

26 Weeks

Happy November! I can't believe I am actually saying that! I am 26 weeks pregnant now and about to exit the 2nd trimester and venture into the 3rd trimester, holy cow! We have been working on the nursery and furniture is in now, I love going in there, its so relaxing! Its nowhere near done but it actually looks like a nursery now with the furniture. Bella is getting very used to stretching her legs and punching her little arms. She is kicking around the clock now and its really fun to watch my belly dance around....strange....but fun. We have had a very busy few weeks and it doesn't look like November or December will really be any slower though I think I will be moving a little slower. Below are some pictures of nursery and other things we have been up to like our friend's Stephanie and Stephen's beautiful wedding, I will post some of Rowdy and I when I get them from my parents, we of course forgot our camera. Also, there will be a new belly pic soon, but for now, the other fun pics will have to do. Sleep is no longer my friend, I remember being frustrated in the first trimester because all I wanted to do was sleep. Now, my back has turned on me and sleep has become incredibly frustrating, how I miss being able to sleep like 10 hours in the first trimester! Also, Bella is going to have a lot of little friends by June of next year so it will be a fun, baby filled first 6 months of 2010 and I can't wait!

The new Motte's and sweet longtime friends :-)

More wonderful friends (and a lot of new little friends to be!)

Pumpkin carving with the girls

Looking into Bella's new room

Love the crib (thats the stroller blanket hanging over the edge)

Our first child trying out the crib, she was not too thrilled

She already has a lot of fun little things

Auntie Ashley and Auntie Erica already picked out some adorable outfits for her!

She is truly my daughter, her closet is already filling up!

Align CenterMy view, ummmm.....where did my feet go?

Friday, October 9, 2009

23 Weeks ~~Isabella Grace~~

We are 23 weeks now, can't believe I'm almost 6 months pregnant! You might have noticed a name in the title of this blog, our sweet little girl's name is going to be Isabella Grace Owens and we can't wait to meet her! We had another ultrasound yesterday because she wasn't very cooperative in our ultrasound at 18 weeks. She was breached again yesterday but on my right side instead of my left side, she is just moving all around in there! Hoping she isn't too comfy in that breach position though! She is growing a lot and is weighing just over 1 pound now! She has been kicking a ton lately which has been really fun! Time is flying and I'm sure with the holidays just around the corner now its going to move even more quickly! I have included a picture from yesterday's ultrasound but unfortunately there weren't many good profile shots because of the way she was positioned and the amniotic fluid around her head. The ultrasound tech got great shots of her heart and brain though so that is good, she actually called her heart pictures "textbook perfect pictures" so that is always nice to hear!

23 week profile

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Recent Events

Since we found out its a girl we (well mostly me) have been very excited to decorate the nursery. My mom and I found adorable bedding, we are enjoying this whole new world of shopping open to us....and Rowdy and my mom painted the nursery. I forgot to get action shots but I took a couple quick pictures of the room with miscellaneous things in it but you get a little glimpse of the beginning. Also included is a picture of a cake I made for a friend's bachelorette party, I'm just a little proud of my creation so I had to post a picture, its a little racy for the babies so shield their eyes :-) Lastly is a new bump picture, I don't think much has changed but this was taken at 22 weeks 2 days so it is very current. Ultrasound Thursday so more pics to come....

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

20 Weeks

I am about 20 1/2 weeks now so just past the halfway point, yay! I had my monthly doctors appointment today and am measuring between 22-23 weeks but she said its no reason to change due date right now. They want to do another ultrasound because they couldn't get enough pictures of her face because of the way she was positioned. They said its normal and that everything looked good but they like to get more pictures of the lips and mouth area and they didn't get as many as they wanted because just like her mom, she likes to sleep in some weird positions :-) I have decided to brave it and include a little picture of myself, its crazy to see it in a picture! Not too much else to report right now other than we are in the great name debate though I think we have it pretty much narrowed down, stay tuned! We are also working on the nursery, well, right now we just have it cleaned out but just having fun picking colors and decor, its so fun to be so girly right now! Well, I will have some fun new pictures of growing baby girl in 2 weeks!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

We're having a ~~~GIRL~~~ !!!

We went in on Tuesday for our 18 1/2 week ultrasound. We knew we were going to find out the sex at the ultrasound and were so excited. Of course, I was worried that we wouldn't get to find out and asked the ultrasound tech as soon as we got in there how often it happens that they can't tell. She said in 4 years she had only had one baby that she couldn't tell. Well, of course our baby didn't want to cooperate. She was in a breach position and shifted over to my left side. Oh and of course she had her legs crossed too! Finally after some painful jabs to my belly with the ultrasound wand thing the baby started to move around a little more and the ultrasound tech said, "well, I can definitely say its a little girl." We are just so excited and can't wait to meet her. Now we can finally start decorating and, much to Rowdy's dismay, I can start shopping :-) She has been kicking and moving around a lot more. Its still pretty light but yesterday she gave me three pretty solid jabs right to my ribs, I'm sure it will hurt later when she does that but I loved it!

waving hello!
cute little crossed legs at the ankle
Its a girl :-)

Sweet little profile

Thursday, August 27, 2009

This is what happens when I get bored.....

Well, my doctor wanted me to stay home yesterday and today and stay off my feet. I hate just sitting on the couch and watching tv, don't get me wrong, I love tv, but I can't just sit there. Since we don't know if it's a boy or girl yet I decided to play with these onesies and here is what I came up with (Its a goofy owl in case you can't tell, I think I could make it boy or girl depending on the accessories) :-) .......

Friday, August 21, 2009

16 Weeks!

Well, I’m now 16 weeks and there hasn’t been too much going on. No more morning sickness, wahoo!! Just waiting to feel some movement in there. I felt a few little things that I think might have been the baby but nothing that I am convinced is the baby. I heard the baby’s heartbeat again yesterday, it just never gets old. Now we are just waiting patiently (or not so patiently on my part) to find out if it’s a boy or girl. Just 2 ½ more weeks and it feels like forever. Our ultrasound will be on Sept. 8th!! No major cravings yet though I did eat some chips and chili con queso and then I might have had a strawberry pop tart right after, Rowdy was pretty sure I was going to throw up but sadly, it was delicious. Since there really isn’t anything exciting to report right now I have included a picture of the crib we like so there is at least something to look at. I will post a picture of the bump soon since its starting to stick out there a bit now, once I get the courage that it doesn’t just look like I had a big lunch. Will be back in 2 ½ weeks with some exciting news (as long as the baby cooperates)!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

11.5 Week Ultrasound!

Our ultrasound today was amazing! We spent about a 1/2 hour in there just watching the baby move around. When we started the baby's head was up by my head and feet by feet and then during the ultrasound it flipped and was upside down for the last half. It was so fun to watch it move it's arms and legs around and now it finally looks like a baby instead of a bean! She even took some 3d pictures which was pretty awesome.

This was one of the 3d pictures, my camera doesn't do it justice, the baby is looking right at us and the arms are on either side waving hello :-)

Monday, July 6, 2009

More ultrasounds....

Well because there have been some strange happenings and little complications with the pregnancy so far I have had lots and lots of ultrasounds (don't get me wrong, I am not complaining, I love the ultrasounds). Today we had our 5th ultrasound I believe and my mom got to come and hear the heartbeat since Rowdy had to work so that made it extra special. It actually is starting to look like a baby and less like a bean, we could see the head and body, very exciting. I looked to be around 9 weeks 2 days so that darn due date is sticking at February 7th but as long as the baby looks good thats all that matters. We have another ultrasound in 2 weeks and after that we should be going to just regular appointments. The ultrasound machine ran out of film or whatever it uses so hopefully I will get a good picture in a few weeks to post and I'm sure I will eventually get the 7 1/2 week picture up but I think its pretty much only exciting for Rowdy and I. I have been blessed with some time at home due to Dr.'s orders and tomorrow I go back 1/2 time for a week and then back to full time. Glad to have 1 more week of 1/2 time to get me almost out of the so far very unpredictable 1st trimester since I have been napping on a pretty regular basis, I'm going to miss those noon time naps but I guess I need to suck it up like the rest of the pregnant working ladies out there : -)

Monday, June 29, 2009

We're Pregnant!

We can't hardly believe how quickly it happened and just when we thought the month of trying was a bust we found out we are pregnant!! We are expecting our first little Owens due February 7th (though my ultrasounds have put me a little further along than that so I am officially saying I am 9 weeks tomorrow even though my little ticker at the top says I am only 8 weeks 2 days :-) ....I'm fighting for every day) It's been a very strange and exciting few weeks since we found out....we actually found out just over a month ago so we have had some time to get used to the idea. I have basically been bed (well really...couch) ridden for the last 3 weeks with nausea and some other complications so we are just taking it day by day. God is really teaching me what patience is because this is the ultimate waiting game and I just can't wait for the finish line....or at least to know the sex! This is our first blog so we are definitely novices and will do our best to keep it updated and figure out how to put a picture of the ultrasound on here soon. I already spent an hour trying to figure out the background and still am not satisfied but it will have to do for tonight. Can't wait to update more and move through this first trimester!